wealthy mindset

The Importance of a Wealthy Mindset

Let me ask you a couple simple questions:  what motivating factor in your life drives your day-to-day activities?  What keeps you up at night, gets you excited during the day, and gets you inspired talking about it?

What’s your passion?

That passion may be photography, it may be crafts or art, or it may be working on that old Mustang you’ve had out in the garage for the last few years.  It’s what you think about when all the other distractions in life give you a moment to yourself.

What Motivates Me

For myself, it’s talking about, researching about, and dreaming about all things finance.  And, no, I’m not talking about that stodgy old version that’s dry and dusty – you know the stuff you read about in old books that are dull and boring.

I’m talking about exciting topics like retiring early.  How about learning how money affects our daily lives whether we like it or not and understanding simple formulas that put the odds in our favor?  And about recognizing the principles of compound interest and how a $10 profit today could literally grow to be a profit of $1,000s of dollars later.

Money – and the misuse of money – can affect our destiny positively or negatively.

Don’t believe me?  I talk to friends who started out in the same level playing field as everyone else.  But guess what?  Their financial status differ wildly all because of choices they’ve made.

Your Mindset Affects Your Results

I know some who are barely making it.  I also frequently talk to another who recently got excited because he just profited over $100,000 on his last trade.  Do you know people who are working into their 70s because they cannot retire?  I sure do.  Another I know recently invested $30,000 into a risky trade – not because he was betting it all on a long shot but because this was “disposable” cash and the risk/reward was worth it to him.

You see, these are extreme examples and they’re meant to be.  Because the destiny of each was shaped partly because of their passion and interests in life.  It’s where they put their energy, their focus that helped mold their future.

But the same is true for you and me.  If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have a passion for building your financial future.

To become financially independent.

Development of The Wealthy RN

That’s what The Wealthy RN means to me.  It’s not just financial independence that’s important but what that independence brings:  freedom for yourself and your family. Money can be a great thing to have, but the liberty it brings is greater.

You see, the financial landscape has changed.  It used to be one of being committed to an employer and being taken care of for the rest of your life.  You got your gold watch, a liberal pension, and you enjoyed your Golden Years.  That’s changed greatly in the last decade.  Companies now put that burden on your shoulders.  Now you have to take care of yourself because no one else will.

This site is about life’s financial struggles.  It’s about finding out what works not only for myself but others as well.  We all have unique circumstances but we also have a lot of common ground and things that benefit us all.

There is also a lot out there that promise great riches and easy wealth.  But as we all know, reality is not so clean cut.  In fact, if you’re not careful you can lose a lot.  I’m talking hundreds of thousands of your hard-earned dollars.

Because, let’s face it:  the road is long and hard and if we’re not careful it can easily end up in failure.  There are things like glamorous investment tools and sites that are advertised as the next great thing but charge excessive fees if you look closely.  There are significant tax consequences if you’re not careful with other choices.  We’re competing in an arena where businesses spend billions to encourage you to open up your wallet to them without guarantees on their part.  And we’re the lone small fish.

And, yes, I’ve walked down that road and been burned a few times myself.  You probably have as well.  Here’s a sobering fact:  the responsibility of our future is solely in our hands alone and we’re supposed to know what to do.  Yeah, talk about a serious responsibility!

However, the wealthy don’t rely on promises.  Rather, they use proven techniques that work year in and year out.  So we want to utilize those methods.  Yes, I’m passionate about this subject.  As you can see our future comfort is dependent on what we decide today.  So, it’s a big deal.

Instead of just surviving let’s aim to prosper, to thrive.  Because some day, when we look back on today, we’ll be thankful we did…


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David is the creator of The Wealthy RN. Although I'm not your financial advisor [nor offering financial advice], I can share what 20 years of hard financial lessons have taught me: how to effectively budget, save, and invest creatively. Read my story on how I went from tens of thousands in debt to accumulating hundreds of thousands of profits.

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